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Victory in My Life

Steadfastness- fixed in directions: steadily directed: firm in purpose, resolution, faith, attachment: unwavering, firmly fixed in place or position.

Say this confession of faith with me:

Today Lord, I confess boldly that it is Your will I prosper. It says in Your Word that  You delight Yourself in the prosperity of Your servant. I will not look or place myself in a stance of defeat. I am prospering in everything that I do. I acknowledge that for me, and confess I will walk in the VICTORY that you have for My Life!

One of the keys to being victorious is allowing yourself to be sacrificed knowing that God has you. Jesus put it this way, “no man can take my life, I lay it down”. That is how it is when serving others whether it is an occupation, career, or volunteering to do something in your community in the hospital or your church. I believe people have misconstrued the meaning of it over the years. These days, it’s a ‘washed down sacrifice’. It’s made to be more of a conventional relationship, or someone who’s looking to barter and trade. “God if I give this to the church, give me a brand new car”. Or when you’re out at a movie knowing there’s work to be done at the church, you can’t make it because you’ve had a hard week at your job.  My mother taught me to never make excuses of doing less if it is a sacrifice, than if you were getting paid for it. Don’t ever think you are doing someone a favor if you do something for them and you don’t do it all the way. If you make up in your heart to do it, then you should uphold and honor that commitment.

What is commitment? It’s unwavering and faithful. It’s a burning desire, and passion for a cause you care about. This is something you will go above and beyond for. As said in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “A man who has not found something he will die for has never lived”. Dr. King is a perfect example of this. His sacrifice and passion was upheld by his commitment . These are three antidotes to your success and your lifestyle. The interesting thing is, his passion, sacrifice, and his commitment was first to God. Then he was willing to die for a greater cause knowing it will have the benefit even for his family. He knew he had to become the sacrifice for something greater that was coming down the line. He understood in order to be victorious, he had to live a life of what he preached. He understood that, “only what I do for Christ will matter in the end”. Sacrifice has everything to do with your character, and how far we go in life is connected to our character. I started my ministry on the foundation of always using Dr. King as one of my heroes. He really helped me through my hard journey of life as a young man, and the things he’s done has really affected my life. He was a constant reminder that no matter how hard the road may seem, just hold on and have patience to that which I am committed to. Everyone gets to that place in life where they may feel a little weary. But what separates you from the rest is staying faithful along your journey.

So why we’re screaming victory I want us to be focused and have a understanding. If you are a student in school, thinking about going back to school, or in college. If you’re contemplating opening up a new business or starting a new family, you need to have a vision for it. But ultimately, your vision must be connected to God’s so that yours will be fueled by a fuel that will never run out.  Fuel for personal gain will run out, but when you have something greater to live for it will all turn around and work together for your good. Even what is not working for you will turn around and work for you. Stay committed, stick to the plan, stay encouraged, and know that you have victory in your life! Until next time my friend, be blessed.
-Bishop Clarence Langston
Key Scriptures
Deuteronomy 28:11-13
Deuteronomy 29
Ephesians 6:10-20


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